The Writing Revolution-style Single paragraph outline template for secondary students

A more advanced single paragraph outline to use when implementing The Writing Revolution in secondary classrooms

The Writing Revolution/The Hochman Method of writing instruction has improved my teaching more than anything else. Writing is a tool for instruction, and TWR lays out the best method by which to use composition as such — from sentences, outlines, paragraphs, up to essays. Especially in my specific position, the book and approach has really made me a more effective teacher of both the skills of writing and whatever content I happen to be teaching (social studies and literature).

One thing I noticed however, is that, while the book provides useful examples for secondary teachers, the templates are definitely geared towards elementary contexts. Critically, the single paragraph outline template in the book does not scaffold the level of rigor or development secondary writers need to produce. Since the single paragraph outline is such an important step in the writing process, I made this to scaffold greater logical coherence and evidence development. It's worked for me! So much so in fact that I use a slightly modified version for summative exams.

Some highlights: Using this template, students are expected to...

  • Check their work against our class standards
  • Explain how each piece of major evidence connects to their topic sentence
  • Develop each piece of major evidence with minor details or specific examples

If you're interested in how a resource like this can help combat AI use in the classroom, read my article here.

*I'm just a fan of TWR, neither affiliated with nor endorsed by them in any capacity. But if you're reading this from TWR, 👋